Erasmus+ BENEFIT Boosting the Telecommunications Engineer Profile to Meet Modern Society and Industry needs na Elfak-UNI
Optimising biomedical applicators for cancer care – OPTICARE, 2021-2023
Program Serbian Science and Diaspora Collaboration financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, 2021-2023
Serbian research team: Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Doncov as a principal investigator, Dr. Tijana Dimitrijevic, Dr. Jugoslav Jokovic
Name of the Project Partner – expert from diaspora: Dr Ana Vuković, Associate Professor
ABSTRACT: The aim of the project is to design an optimal multi-antenna microwave applicator for hyperthermic treatments of cancer. A combination of the advanced electromagnetic (microwave) and thermal models will be used in the design to provide that the required level of heating is most efficiently reached in the area of interest. The design stage requires a multi-physics approach, namely electromagnetic and thermal and these will be developed in the framework of the Transmission Line Modelling (TLM) method in which both project team and partner have major expertise. More information you can find here.
Project team members are:
Here are some photos from the visit of the Serbian team to Nottingham, UK.
A powerful electromagnetic solver to be used for the project is explained in the podcasts created by the WeatherGuard company from USA that manufactures diverter strips for lightning protection of airplanes and wind turbines:
Computer Modeling is the Future for Lightning, HIRF & RF Designs
Computer Modeling for Radome Design
Digital Even–Order Linearization of 5G Power Amplifiers in Bands below 6GHz-DELFIN, 2021-2023
Фонд за науку Републике Србије, Програм – Сарадња са дијаспором, 2021-2023: Ваучери за размену знања
У оквиру пројекта остварени су значајни резултати који се односе на унапређење техника за линеаризацију које су развијене на Електронском факултету у Нишу и на University of Westminster, School of Computer Science and Engineering, као и комбиновање ових техника, за примене на појачаваче снаге предајника 5G система на фреквенцијама испод 6 GHz. Чланови пројектног тима су др Наташа Малеш-Илић, др Александар Атанасковић и др Биљана Стошић са научноистраживачке институције Универзитет у Нишу, Електронски факултет у Нишу, а партнер на пројекту из дијаспоре је др. Ђурађ Будимир са University of Westminster, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Лондон, Велика Британија.
Више погледајте овде.
Predictive design of wearable textile antennas, 2020-2023
Royal Society Fund, UK, 2020-2023
Collaborators: University of Nottingham, UK and University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Serbia